Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heretical Chaos

The state road wound through the darkness. Only the moonlight and the Light poles at the intersection gave the road any discernible form for my driving. The car radio was playing a Mozart concerto which was making me sleepy from its relaxing melody. Suzzer was over in the passenger seat. She had turned herself so that she could look at me while talking. She was wearing a dress that reminded me of Joanne Woodward in her role in the movie, "The Long Hot Summer". The dress had a collar which she had bent up at the back of her neck with its front edges bent back. It reahed down to her mid-calf, but it was sheer in its fabric-some form of rayon or silk. It was a pale kelly green that complimented her dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Her mouth was wide with thin lips that stayed parted as if she always was aout to say or was thinking about something to say. Her voice had a Lauren Bacall alto tone to it. It came across more inquisitional, than inquisitive or interested. I didn't mind. I was playing Mr Absurdenprovocative Answerer to her more probing questions. I didn't have anything to hide, but i couldn't resist jumping on some of her questions like a batter jumps on a pitch sent right down the hitting zone.

Once she realized she was settingherself up for my instigations of aesthetic scandalizations, she pushed her probing as if to dare me to be bolder with my tongue's words-if not my tongue, nonverbally. Right now it was mental banter and fencing past the topic of the electricness of the vibes we felt as we drank the potent mix of tomatoe juice, gin, and percodan that had been shared between the five of us at the Moon rising in the Grove. The intoxication of the potient sent us into a state of individual stream of consciousness as we became more sensually sensitive to the surroundings and the people in the half-circle at the fire, our radiating blanket from the chilling breeze wafting around us. The trees and the shadows took on animate forms and movements as the westerly breeze helped produce the animation our perceptions were subjectively expereincing. The legend was that The Grove had been the sight of the indigenous first tribes equinox and solstice gathering place. the burial grounds were also in the vicinty. So the animation we perceive in the darkenss of the trees and their shadows morphed into human and other forms.

My totem of the bear lurking and stalking in the brush was the highlight for me in my catatonic gaze into the dark and the shadows. The vision of the bear brought to mind its thirst, vis a vis my own thirst from the potient. As I licked my lips, I saw the my bears raising up on their haunches and reaching up into the trees to grasp the behive withtheir giant paws and pull the opening portal of the hive to their mouth so the long thick tongue could lick teasingly around the edges before sticking it fully into the opening and having its way with that cone of sweetness.

My mouth still thirsty was directed by my eyes to Suzzes parted mouth as well to her bowed legs underneath her dress. My speculations of tanginess bounced between her lips of her parted mouth and the lips under her dress between those long legs of hers.

Suzze had been chattering about the Grove during these musings of mine, though she seemed to be measuring me with a leen, inspective stare. She pointed to an opening with trees and bushes along the road in front of us, and asked me to pullover: "I have a piss call", she said in her earthy alto drawl. I brought the car to a coasting roll as I aimed it onto the gravel and then the cushioy grass that could be felt as the tires rolled across it.

Suzze jumped out and went over to the bushes. I was feeling a little groggy with a tightness at my temples from the potient's after-affects, soI got out and went to sit on the hood of my car and stare up at the Moon as it was making its way through the branches of the over-hanging trees. Suzze was rustling in the bushes, talking out loud to herself. I smiled, wondering, "Does that woman talk in her sleep!?" I looked up at the Moon and marveled at the clearness and brightness of the stars. The sounds of the crickets and the frogs provided the audio for the sky, reminding me that even out in the middle of no where, we were not alone.

Suzze came rustling out of the bushes wiping her hands on the hip portion of her dress. She joined me at the front of the car in a joint admiration of the night sky. "This is quite a night.", she said. "Yes, it has been", as I glanced at her out of the corner of my eyes as I followed the distracting movements of either a high flying small plane or an orbiting satellite's curious path.

Suzze's perfume was still strong enough to be smelled. It was mixed with her own natural pungentness that filled my nostrils and reminded me of Aal Pacino's line of "a scent of a woman". Suzze was THAT WOMAN". Unpretentious in looks and demeanor, but very feral and alluring. Maybe it was the lingering affects of the potent, but Suzze's face had a soft glow to it. the kind of glow one normall ascribes to a pregnant woman.a pinkish, peach hue to the skin. My hand was compelled to touch my palm to her cheek and stroke it so to confirm the softness I saw projected in the moonlight. She rested her face against my hand allowing me to have the full tactile satiation for my curiosity or her face. It was smooth and soft as a peach.

I slid my hand to the back of her neck and pulled her mouth to mine. I could smell hat scent of arousal on her breath as I closed upon her lips and mouth. Our lips then our tongues greeted eachother as if they had been eternally separted. My hand slid down her back and under neath her rump as I sat suzze down on the hood of my car. Ileaned her back as my other hand cupped and caressed her round breast's softness in my hand. I could feel the hardening of her nipples as my body pressed down upon her. we sucked the oxygen from eachother's lungs before we came to the surface of our lips to gulp down some more ar before going down on eachother's lips, again.

Suzze's dress had conveniently risen up when I had positioned her on the trunk of the car. I took the opportunity and ran my hand over her pubis and undies to feel between her legs and feel the dampnes begining to seep down. The scent of her womanhood filled my nostrils. I could feel my excitement and the hardening, elongation of my own flesh, eager to join this union of incitement. My mouth began it journey down from her lips ontoher chin, then to her aquiline long neck biting and sucking on it as I went. down across her clavicles to each of her breasts my lips visited each with my hands which cupped and carressed each as my lips reenacted a thirst-quenching sucle on each before returning to the oddesy down to Suzze's belly which mymouth and lips gave a big french sucking kiss upon. Then my lips dove onto the fragrant down of Suzze's pubis. I lingered to graze in it like a bull in pasture before I entered the garden of her irresistibility.My tongue lavished itself on the tastes as it probed for the ridge of her clitoris so it could work its tip up and across its ridges to sense and tease its enlargement to its climax and a forte crescendo of exclamations from Suzze's moist lips.

I could feel Suzze's soft hands reaching undr my waist band and into my pants as she grasped my dick and surveyed it for its potential use inside of her. Her palm and fingers slid over the topography of the head of my cock and its circumcisional rim to feel the pulsed, enlarged veins of the shaft which was nearly unrepressively eager to find its placement deep in the cavity which my tongue was lavaging with a hungry ardor.

Suzze's undulations of her hips gave the tip of my tongue greater opportunities to flick and lick that ride which stood out as a prominotory to be climbed and lavished with slurping and flicking relish. Suzze's butt was gyrating in my hands as she worked herself to ever increasing exhausts of gasps as her body began its eruptions of release to the clitoral massage.

By now my cock was reaching its banana curve of full erection ans was aching to my balls to feelthe warm oistness of being buried deep into Suzze. I raised up and turned Suzze so she was now on her stomach. I brought my dripping penis up so that it first touched her pubis and the felt the wetness to the opening of Suzz's cut. It then pushed just so slightly as if it was knocking on the doors of her lips to ask for permission to penetrate. Suzze, more than graciously, raised up and engulfed my "Mr Johnson" at the portal of her passion Nile as I rafted down with her undulations that bounced back against my crotch as my hands steadied myself up against her as she wiggled herself and pressed against me to make sure she devoured and filled her self with the complete hardness that was sliding and pressing inside of her. Her werness and warmth were so exquisite . The tightness with whichshe pressed and squeezed with the walls of that silk lined pussy set tingles up my shaft and spine. I knew it may not be long beofre I'd be compelled to turn loose and release my spray of hot, sticky excitement within those walls adn possibly lose the warmfdepths of the magnificnse of her "silk kitten". I mentioned to her how long Ihad wanted to be inher since I looked into the picutre of her eyes. How I imagined this moment of feeling the softness of her bareness in my palms and against my skin.

I wanted to turn Suzze over so to feel and admire her magnificent round breast and to iss them as I emptied myself in my final thrusts into the depths of her inviting warmth. Suzze's shallow, quick gasps told me she was at her point of wordless sensations. Realizing this mutual moment Ireleased with a final series ol lunges of my hips to get the full depths as Iemptied all my desires tobe sprayed out. As the last spurts pumped out I leaned over on my side pulling Suzze towards me so we could give eachother our lasts appreciations of rabid passion beofre collapsing into relaxation of our bodies.. The swetness of those laps rapturous kisses came as good as the last drops emptied from me.
