Monday, February 1, 2010

In response to the Supreme court ruling and other (il)legalisms

It's past the point of obeisance with these dogs who prostitute the Constitution and our rights and libertieswith their civic legalisms of immorality and unethicalness. When WE, as INDIVIDUALS, can be trumped by an entity controlled by a few or a nefarious group, and it have the legal standing and protection of the Constitution that was created to protect our liberties, then the argument of just laws under the Constitutional guarantess becomes nothing more than hollow, dissembling for a constitution reduced to the moral value of shit-paper.
They think that they are protected by their rules. No-thing and no-one has any protection when the weak and the innocent are subjec to violations and abuse of their dignity and rights as human beings. That whichcan be taken away with verbal masturbations in the form of legalism, can be taken back by any means necessary. There is no duty, obligation, or loyalty due to the unethical, the amoral, or the immoral.
I see the times are already here when people will ignore the laws as not only disdained, disrespected, artificial barriers of self-control, but as statutes with no secular standing of enforcement. The "Authorities" will be jst functional figureheads providing the basic services that are needed while they waste their time (and our tax money) putting forth statutes which will be increasingly disregarded as laughable posturings which no self-respecting purpose would CARE to obey.
-- Lucifer's Heretic of Apostacies
Contributions of appreciation for spirit enhancement gratefully accepted at account, Cosmic Delites