Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beyond the bubble of security of hierarchies

Very similar to the fattened beast being led to their slaughter, so are many of us with our delusional belief in being the dutiful and obedient institutional person who has material security as a substitute for their feral powers. We settle and accommodate ourselves to the point where we see it as the ONLY existential reality. So busy earning a living, that we end up just existing in a world of material and emotional escapist trappings which we consensually share with others who've sold their 'being' out to live in a paradigm of servitude of false promises.

In this bubble, you talk about all the little mundane and trivial happenings that you have elevated to drama, melodrama, and emotional mountains of importance, when all they are are but trivial mechanics of process that you've let get beyond your reach with the accommodation to being 'adaptive' to your being disempowered. You look at the ephemeral trinkets, bling, and other possesions of status, while all around you at the social and civic margins you see the wolves of this world devour those same type of beasts like you who were caught at the margins where predatory opportunist had their way with them. But it wasn't you. You emote some affected sympathy, but there's little you can do, because there's little you have been doing for decades to get out from that bubble that is your placenta for your delivery into that mythical retirement period of bliss.

Don't believe me. Just listen to the daily chatter that goes on as conversation as you hear the latest soap opera of low-drama and trivia raised to an existential crisis, not because it is so overwhelming, but because the people have resigned themselves to being so cognitively with their heads up their ass in denial of this day of reckoning as they put off any affirmative, beyond-the-bubble-disturbance to their relative, material and physical, 'comfort' zone so not to deal with the underlying condition that they've been so busy chasing material security and comfort, that they have degraded their ability to deal with adversity with their native talents beyond affected, social ritualistic, emoting.

Out in the hinterland weeds

Checking in to talk about two different but similar paradigms, and why I'm not a 'love forever' but a '10 minute passion guy' and why I have yet to have any allegiance beyond my ACTIVE DUTY military service to any institution-it's just a job for services rendered and the paycheck.

Back in the day...When I was under the enchantment of the romanticism's images and homilies that exploited my hormonal rushes, I was willing to sacrifice my soul to experience that which teasingly titillated my mind and body. After experiencing the mental gauntlet with their hoops and trip-wires that required me to put up with the emotional limitations of an otherwise iconic image, 'happily forever after' and 'to death do us part' were more illusion and a sentence, respectively, for me. It was better having a 'buddette' with whom I could have an altruistic collaboration on the mundane details and the occasional sublime moments, in appreciation for who she is, her aspirations, and her ethics, then sign my 'Self' to a blood contract giving absolute entitlement with a blood-letting for an escape clause. I was lucky that I didn't have to go through a blood-letting, but judging by some who have settled or resigned themselves to their 'partner' I'm sure the motto, "It's cheaper to keep her" is the ruling doctrine. And it definitely works both ways for you women (since very few of you could honestly admit to the false modesty description of 'ladies')who have lumps of aggravating lard occupying your couches in your living rooms. Just give me an iconic,few, passionate moments of mutual admiration and intent. If there are further planned or casual meets, then FINE. But I'm more gratified for the cognitive marker of emotional, visceral, and mental intensity and acuity that was brought to my consciousness then to continue to want or expect-beyond any procreative necessity, the 'mate with emotional baggage'.

Speaking of 'with emotional baggage', let me connect the institutional baggage many employers want you to swallow as your paradigm of being the team-player, careerist for them. Unless your self-employed and want to concur with a mea-culpa about this, I'm talking to you, Joe and Jane Shift-Salaryworker. Though I enlisted so not be drafted for whatever skill Uncle Sam wanted to place me, I found that the people I interacted with as an ACTIVE DUTY soldier and airman looked for each other's morale in our existential state of potential deployment into a conflict zone, then some of their civilian counterparts who have adopted the architecture of the military hierarchy but do not have the ethics of concern by the management who see leadership as a title than something that is earned by daily example setting. These institutions would steal your time, and even your life and limbs away in economic extortion for the privilege of being an at-will employee who could be fired or forced to retire early with your so-called vested benefit hanging in vulnerable non-reliance. FOR THISyou should hang on 15 to 20 years of your life when you KNOW before the first five that its no more than a paycheck, health bennies-as partial that they are, and some pension, with the caveat the company doesn't declare bankruptcy and goes through a restructuring that diminishes those hopes to the same level as Social Security. For all this material 'security' you sold your life away to the equivalent of a bad marriage with little fringe benefits! It's better to be a self-employed tradesman or artisan, if not for the tax laws that fleece you, who don't have a team of lawyers to find or lobby loop-holes for you at the state capitols or in the 'Beltway'. You might as well look at work as just a job where you can learn some skill and , if lucky enough, meet some people who are cognitively inspirational for your empowerment. Just like that iconic love-buddy of the moment, that job is for a season of intellectual and emotional seasoning for the next possibility, like than next iconic encounter, that comes along