Monday, December 21, 2020

'THE WORD' -The New Testament for Empaths-


Supplemental video


-The New Testament for Empaths-


Now those with insight will know why Jesus and 

the Christmas narrative have been so enduring 

over the ages.  In times of so great greed, amorality, 

corruption, and callousness in the pursuit of 

naked power; so great that people were abandoned 

to seek shelter in competition with their kindred 

beasts of toil, a promised hope entered the world. 

And just on the rumor of that presence's meaning, 

the genesis of a new testament of #Liberation 

replaced the default acceptance of 

‘things-as-they-are’ for the 


Just as then, the callous depravity of those with 

the temporary stewardship of the Earth’s bounty 

has become so figuratively and literally grave that 

such an ethos has become a consensus, 

main-stream behavior to the great adversity to the 

have-nots of privilege and access.

Even in these adversely formidable conditions, 

the animistic spirit of physiological empathy is still 

an in-born characteristic which dwells in the breasts 

of those for whom the hardships of their common 

diversity is shared. In that sharing another ethos 

dialectic is inseminated and gestates. It is the practices 

of equity and cooperative existence. 

In that existence are the standards of decency, which 

have been sidelined by those of more selfish and 

depraved motives. Yet, that decency speaks to a state 

of felicitous and facilitating grace exhibited in the 

mutual caring for the other to affirm the mutual intents 

of that equity and grace. That grace has an overarching 

purpose of being the bulwark against the selfish 

depravities of the times.

That bulwark, personified in an individual presence 

and the articulated narrations of that presence, 

is the enduring and ever-renewing testament for our 

inbred physiology of empathetic solidarity for one 

another’s condition, as given by the paradigm of 

the advent of ‘The Nativity’.