Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who do you think you ARE?
On 1/27/10, Luc-du-heresies,> wrote:

Your not just the mortal, one-and-done vessel whose an economic cog of ones cultural-socio-economic circumstance. You aren't the servant to some supernatural will. You are the portal for ageless consciousness. It is yours for the disemination when you look beyond the comforts and satiation of your skin to the signs, symbols, and their metaphors.

We are here by the merit of our potential to overcome. We are placed here as a challenge to prove ourselves for higher levels by undoing and rectifying the chaos that is the product of the anthrocentric narrative of dominionship. We are the few. We have perceived the call and have responded to the mundane for what it is-the challenge.

This is more than mechanical aptitude and competence of the cultural symbols' manipulation. They are only the stage and context of the greater challenge to our souls and whether we are subserviants or are we the transdimensionals on a visitation?
We are here to challenge the paradigms which enslave the minds to be cognitively aware of the possibilities of what could be their inheritance and entitlement of merit.

There is no-thing, tangible or intangible, beyond the honesty of truth to which we need to defer the gut instincts of our associative cognitive connectings of patterns of phenomena in our sensory field. The patterns are there to let us know that there are dimensions beyond the temporal and it's secular subgroup to which we must be aware of their paradigms and imperatives.

LucifersHeretic of Bugsiness

Gratuities of appreciation are warmly accepted at account, Cosmic Delites.
-- Lucifer's Heretic of Apostacies
Contributions of appreciation for spirit enhancement gratefully accepted at account, Cosmic Delites

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Sentimental illusions of Romance

We live inside the commercialized myths of romance. From songs to movies, we seek a state that is hard to find and harder to sustain. WHO could BE the moon for any lunatic desire of total completion and satiation? Only those masochists who love the suffering ache.
Human dignity and integrity metaphysically argue against such self-annihilation.
The intense passion and climactic exhilaration are physiological body rejuvenators, but they are also the manic before the ineveitable depression o9f meeetng the disenchanting reality of another's and YOUR limitations.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Those who can facilitate have the existential duty

Those who CAN, must. The "can" is having the power to facilitate above and beyond the cpacity of others. It is this existential ability for which you will be judged. NOT for the heroic, not for the stupid, BUT for the heartless indifference you showed when you were in the facilitating ease to act.

Great tragedies start and are the result of those things within our ability we wantonly neglected in our narrow self-absorption with ourselves.

Give to the Haitian Earthquake Relief.

Monday, January 11, 2010

No time for Old Sacred Cows

Not a scintilla of regard will be given to the sentiments, let alone the forms those sentiments enable. Those forms ahve been the root cause of gret suffering and injustice because of the ignorant beliefs in them. Whatever traditions and decorums that are just facades for posturing, or those that are the instrument for inequity or justice: they will not be given any sense of mercy or grace. They will be disdained, mocked, and tirivalized as they rightly need to be.

Let those who'd rather live "fat and happy" in the comfort, convenience, and privilege of those obsolete and ananchronistic forms ask for something else than sympathy or empathy, since they have no sincerity to give from their cause except as it expedites the continuing of their status.

Vandal of Chaos

All gratuities are cheerfully and appreciatively accepted at account, Cosmic Delites.