Monday, January 11, 2010

No time for Old Sacred Cows

Not a scintilla of regard will be given to the sentiments, let alone the forms those sentiments enable. Those forms ahve been the root cause of gret suffering and injustice because of the ignorant beliefs in them. Whatever traditions and decorums that are just facades for posturing, or those that are the instrument for inequity or justice: they will not be given any sense of mercy or grace. They will be disdained, mocked, and tirivalized as they rightly need to be.

Let those who'd rather live "fat and happy" in the comfort, convenience, and privilege of those obsolete and ananchronistic forms ask for something else than sympathy or empathy, since they have no sincerity to give from their cause except as it expedites the continuing of their status.

Vandal of Chaos

All gratuities are cheerfully and appreciatively accepted at account, Cosmic Delites.

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