Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jail Break!! The irrepreesible spirit..

This is about a spiritual jail break from a cultural paradigm whose construct seeks to channel energy from the many to the few-be they temporal rulers or deities of devotion. My life has been the tale of a spirit that evolved by its self-realization as more than an earth-bound mortal identity. I would declare that by coincidental happenstance or by predestined commission "I" have incarnated into this world. My existence has been one of filtering and retaining the gems of insight on my and others beings having capabilities whose purpose goes beyond the one-and-done mortal life on this planet.

I like to speculate that an alien race implanted its gene code into the mammalian species, and particularly the primate family, on this out of the way solar system's planet in the back waters of this galaxy which itself is off the beaten path of this universe. I want to add to this whimsical thought by saying that the genes planted were of dangerous predators, as witnessed by the unbroken accounts of individual and mass mayhem over these many millennia of 'civilization'.

Reflecting back on my OWN history, I could testify that my gene line contains the outlaw seed of a spirit energy that needed restraint for as long as was HUMANLY possible. Anecdotal facts, such as being the spitting image and temperament of my grandfather who died several years before my birth, along with the personality of my parents, plus some cultural and social demographics around my development contribute to this fanciful thought.

I would say that fate placed me in constraining mental horizons of the times, but the times, itself, provided seeds of thought that sprouted into my intellectual and eventual emotional liberation. One reason I am obsessed with language, its symbolism and the derived metaphors is because they serve as pollinators for the subconscious to implant and provide new derivations of thought to be considered.

Those new derivations had their blossomings as I achieved more liberty for my own decisions and activity. My obedience to the 'house rules' of my parents were no longer in effect when I went off to college. My alma mater's reputation and the social circumstances surrounding my matriculation to that college provided another paradigm architecture of indoctrination for me to subordinate my intellect and emotions. As fate would have it, the cultural bias in the institution helped to create a situation in which I became disenchanted with 'the promise' of the school's paradigms. Having contact with others who concurrently or previously were transcending the institutional roles and image, as well as their personal background of being 'educated' at this institution, provided a wide open opportunity for me to exist as my own person.

In this new existence, there were still skeletons of paradigms past that kept me in intellectual and emotional chains. Events would occur with synchronistic serendipity that would enable me to discard those skeletons. By August 1970 I had implanted new seeds of thought, fertilized by some of the most potent mind-altering drugs, that 'the call to the imperative' was the born-again intellectual new birth and new emotional insemination for the jail-break from being a pack-dog to being the nomad of social solitude.

Only the military service and association over the next three decades kept a buoy line of restraint to my 'practical' possibilities. By the time my military service ended in 2005, the loyalty and devotion to family, social constraints, and cultural trends had ended. I had transcended social sentimentalism giving entitlements of status for past or current affections. I had overcome my own morose doubts about my efforts and purpose. I had broken out of the confinements of peoples' homogenized consensus thinking. I had only my regimen for the pursuit of those intangible forces that had kept me existentially lucky through my visitational experiences as the observer of poetic, if not divine, judgment being dealt out to those who honored the carnal indulgence of their egos over justice and truth, per se.

The latest 'break-out' was the release from the needs and fears for those things beyond the 'vital basics' for the body. Thereby freeing the attention and the attending focus from the distractions and the spectacles that pre-occupy the mind on the petty and the trivial glorifications of ego. Those 'glories' further detach and fragment the whole in the pursuit of the individual compensatory gratification from the ennui of no greater meaning to life than the hope of material security brings a stable emotional security.

I jumped that fence and am out in the anonymity of the non-person who can be the conduit of an energizing attitude of fierce, intensity of energy for the shared unity with the other unseen and unacknowledged intangibles that give meaning and focus to the moment. In doing so, no longer being subject to the limitations of worldly bias and confining presumption.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cosmic consciaousness=the Sub-conscious??

Got this notion from four sources: Carl Jung, X-ray cosmology, mediums, my associative connections. Jung wrote about it. X-ray cosmology can see the after glow energy of the Big Bang. Mediums can pick up the vibes of past energies of people, and shit like this that comes from the diverse points of past engagements. See Carl Jung and his works in any reference material that tell about dreams and the subconscious. The photos of x-ray cosmology will remind you of the paranormal photos of ghosts. Mediums can speak to those who died or feel the activity that has occurred in a space. My memory seems to be an archive of data that is grouped or can be associated with similar or analogous forms.

This leads me to speculate that the multi-verse contains the thought energy of all entities from the latest incaranation of this multiverse. The thoughts hang out there. We need only be in the form-pattern of the thought for it to be snagged by our subconscious which is our amoebic extension of ourselves. It snags these thoughts as we focus on these family of thoughts or when a critical mass of accumulation of a family of thoughts has been accumulated over time.

If intense enough we radiate an attitude that transmits these thoughts. When picked up by another critical mass of similar or congruent 'thinkers' a transmission boost occurs and a cultural knowledge jump occurs.

What we consider GOD, divinity, and providence is the articulated energy having interlocuted and incarnated itself, by the aggregation or intensity energy of people participating in the different tools of 'knowledge'.