Friday, June 11, 2010

Cosmic consciaousness=the Sub-conscious??

Got this notion from four sources: Carl Jung, X-ray cosmology, mediums, my associative connections. Jung wrote about it. X-ray cosmology can see the after glow energy of the Big Bang. Mediums can pick up the vibes of past energies of people, and shit like this that comes from the diverse points of past engagements. See Carl Jung and his works in any reference material that tell about dreams and the subconscious. The photos of x-ray cosmology will remind you of the paranormal photos of ghosts. Mediums can speak to those who died or feel the activity that has occurred in a space. My memory seems to be an archive of data that is grouped or can be associated with similar or analogous forms.

This leads me to speculate that the multi-verse contains the thought energy of all entities from the latest incaranation of this multiverse. The thoughts hang out there. We need only be in the form-pattern of the thought for it to be snagged by our subconscious which is our amoebic extension of ourselves. It snags these thoughts as we focus on these family of thoughts or when a critical mass of accumulation of a family of thoughts has been accumulated over time.

If intense enough we radiate an attitude that transmits these thoughts. When picked up by another critical mass of similar or congruent 'thinkers' a transmission boost occurs and a cultural knowledge jump occurs.

What we consider GOD, divinity, and providence is the articulated energy having interlocuted and incarnated itself, by the aggregation or intensity energy of people participating in the different tools of 'knowledge'.

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