Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beyond the bubble of security of hierarchies

Very similar to the fattened beast being led to their slaughter, so are many of us with our delusional belief in being the dutiful and obedient institutional person who has material security as a substitute for their feral powers. We settle and accommodate ourselves to the point where we see it as the ONLY existential reality. So busy earning a living, that we end up just existing in a world of material and emotional escapist trappings which we consensually share with others who've sold their 'being' out to live in a paradigm of servitude of false promises.

In this bubble, you talk about all the little mundane and trivial happenings that you have elevated to drama, melodrama, and emotional mountains of importance, when all they are are but trivial mechanics of process that you've let get beyond your reach with the accommodation to being 'adaptive' to your being disempowered. You look at the ephemeral trinkets, bling, and other possesions of status, while all around you at the social and civic margins you see the wolves of this world devour those same type of beasts like you who were caught at the margins where predatory opportunist had their way with them. But it wasn't you. You emote some affected sympathy, but there's little you can do, because there's little you have been doing for decades to get out from that bubble that is your placenta for your delivery into that mythical retirement period of bliss.

Don't believe me. Just listen to the daily chatter that goes on as conversation as you hear the latest soap opera of low-drama and trivia raised to an existential crisis, not because it is so overwhelming, but because the people have resigned themselves to being so cognitively with their heads up their ass in denial of this day of reckoning as they put off any affirmative, beyond-the-bubble-disturbance to their relative, material and physical, 'comfort' zone so not to deal with the underlying condition that they've been so busy chasing material security and comfort, that they have degraded their ability to deal with adversity with their native talents beyond affected, social ritualistic, emoting.

Out in the hinterland weeds

Checking in to talk about two different but similar paradigms, and why I'm not a 'love forever' but a '10 minute passion guy' and why I have yet to have any allegiance beyond my ACTIVE DUTY military service to any institution-it's just a job for services rendered and the paycheck.

Back in the day...When I was under the enchantment of the romanticism's images and homilies that exploited my hormonal rushes, I was willing to sacrifice my soul to experience that which teasingly titillated my mind and body. After experiencing the mental gauntlet with their hoops and trip-wires that required me to put up with the emotional limitations of an otherwise iconic image, 'happily forever after' and 'to death do us part' were more illusion and a sentence, respectively, for me. It was better having a 'buddette' with whom I could have an altruistic collaboration on the mundane details and the occasional sublime moments, in appreciation for who she is, her aspirations, and her ethics, then sign my 'Self' to a blood contract giving absolute entitlement with a blood-letting for an escape clause. I was lucky that I didn't have to go through a blood-letting, but judging by some who have settled or resigned themselves to their 'partner' I'm sure the motto, "It's cheaper to keep her" is the ruling doctrine. And it definitely works both ways for you women (since very few of you could honestly admit to the false modesty description of 'ladies')who have lumps of aggravating lard occupying your couches in your living rooms. Just give me an iconic,few, passionate moments of mutual admiration and intent. If there are further planned or casual meets, then FINE. But I'm more gratified for the cognitive marker of emotional, visceral, and mental intensity and acuity that was brought to my consciousness then to continue to want or expect-beyond any procreative necessity, the 'mate with emotional baggage'.

Speaking of 'with emotional baggage', let me connect the institutional baggage many employers want you to swallow as your paradigm of being the team-player, careerist for them. Unless your self-employed and want to concur with a mea-culpa about this, I'm talking to you, Joe and Jane Shift-Salaryworker. Though I enlisted so not be drafted for whatever skill Uncle Sam wanted to place me, I found that the people I interacted with as an ACTIVE DUTY soldier and airman looked for each other's morale in our existential state of potential deployment into a conflict zone, then some of their civilian counterparts who have adopted the architecture of the military hierarchy but do not have the ethics of concern by the management who see leadership as a title than something that is earned by daily example setting. These institutions would steal your time, and even your life and limbs away in economic extortion for the privilege of being an at-will employee who could be fired or forced to retire early with your so-called vested benefit hanging in vulnerable non-reliance. FOR THISyou should hang on 15 to 20 years of your life when you KNOW before the first five that its no more than a paycheck, health bennies-as partial that they are, and some pension, with the caveat the company doesn't declare bankruptcy and goes through a restructuring that diminishes those hopes to the same level as Social Security. For all this material 'security' you sold your life away to the equivalent of a bad marriage with little fringe benefits! It's better to be a self-employed tradesman or artisan, if not for the tax laws that fleece you, who don't have a team of lawyers to find or lobby loop-holes for you at the state capitols or in the 'Beltway'. You might as well look at work as just a job where you can learn some skill and , if lucky enough, meet some people who are cognitively inspirational for your empowerment. Just like that iconic love-buddy of the moment, that job is for a season of intellectual and emotional seasoning for the next possibility, like than next iconic encounter, that comes along

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jail Break!! The irrepreesible spirit..

This is about a spiritual jail break from a cultural paradigm whose construct seeks to channel energy from the many to the few-be they temporal rulers or deities of devotion. My life has been the tale of a spirit that evolved by its self-realization as more than an earth-bound mortal identity. I would declare that by coincidental happenstance or by predestined commission "I" have incarnated into this world. My existence has been one of filtering and retaining the gems of insight on my and others beings having capabilities whose purpose goes beyond the one-and-done mortal life on this planet.

I like to speculate that an alien race implanted its gene code into the mammalian species, and particularly the primate family, on this out of the way solar system's planet in the back waters of this galaxy which itself is off the beaten path of this universe. I want to add to this whimsical thought by saying that the genes planted were of dangerous predators, as witnessed by the unbroken accounts of individual and mass mayhem over these many millennia of 'civilization'.

Reflecting back on my OWN history, I could testify that my gene line contains the outlaw seed of a spirit energy that needed restraint for as long as was HUMANLY possible. Anecdotal facts, such as being the spitting image and temperament of my grandfather who died several years before my birth, along with the personality of my parents, plus some cultural and social demographics around my development contribute to this fanciful thought.

I would say that fate placed me in constraining mental horizons of the times, but the times, itself, provided seeds of thought that sprouted into my intellectual and eventual emotional liberation. One reason I am obsessed with language, its symbolism and the derived metaphors is because they serve as pollinators for the subconscious to implant and provide new derivations of thought to be considered.

Those new derivations had their blossomings as I achieved more liberty for my own decisions and activity. My obedience to the 'house rules' of my parents were no longer in effect when I went off to college. My alma mater's reputation and the social circumstances surrounding my matriculation to that college provided another paradigm architecture of indoctrination for me to subordinate my intellect and emotions. As fate would have it, the cultural bias in the institution helped to create a situation in which I became disenchanted with 'the promise' of the school's paradigms. Having contact with others who concurrently or previously were transcending the institutional roles and image, as well as their personal background of being 'educated' at this institution, provided a wide open opportunity for me to exist as my own person.

In this new existence, there were still skeletons of paradigms past that kept me in intellectual and emotional chains. Events would occur with synchronistic serendipity that would enable me to discard those skeletons. By August 1970 I had implanted new seeds of thought, fertilized by some of the most potent mind-altering drugs, that 'the call to the imperative' was the born-again intellectual new birth and new emotional insemination for the jail-break from being a pack-dog to being the nomad of social solitude.

Only the military service and association over the next three decades kept a buoy line of restraint to my 'practical' possibilities. By the time my military service ended in 2005, the loyalty and devotion to family, social constraints, and cultural trends had ended. I had transcended social sentimentalism giving entitlements of status for past or current affections. I had overcome my own morose doubts about my efforts and purpose. I had broken out of the confinements of peoples' homogenized consensus thinking. I had only my regimen for the pursuit of those intangible forces that had kept me existentially lucky through my visitational experiences as the observer of poetic, if not divine, judgment being dealt out to those who honored the carnal indulgence of their egos over justice and truth, per se.

The latest 'break-out' was the release from the needs and fears for those things beyond the 'vital basics' for the body. Thereby freeing the attention and the attending focus from the distractions and the spectacles that pre-occupy the mind on the petty and the trivial glorifications of ego. Those 'glories' further detach and fragment the whole in the pursuit of the individual compensatory gratification from the ennui of no greater meaning to life than the hope of material security brings a stable emotional security.

I jumped that fence and am out in the anonymity of the non-person who can be the conduit of an energizing attitude of fierce, intensity of energy for the shared unity with the other unseen and unacknowledged intangibles that give meaning and focus to the moment. In doing so, no longer being subject to the limitations of worldly bias and confining presumption.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cosmic consciaousness=the Sub-conscious??

Got this notion from four sources: Carl Jung, X-ray cosmology, mediums, my associative connections. Jung wrote about it. X-ray cosmology can see the after glow energy of the Big Bang. Mediums can pick up the vibes of past energies of people, and shit like this that comes from the diverse points of past engagements. See Carl Jung and his works in any reference material that tell about dreams and the subconscious. The photos of x-ray cosmology will remind you of the paranormal photos of ghosts. Mediums can speak to those who died or feel the activity that has occurred in a space. My memory seems to be an archive of data that is grouped or can be associated with similar or analogous forms.

This leads me to speculate that the multi-verse contains the thought energy of all entities from the latest incaranation of this multiverse. The thoughts hang out there. We need only be in the form-pattern of the thought for it to be snagged by our subconscious which is our amoebic extension of ourselves. It snags these thoughts as we focus on these family of thoughts or when a critical mass of accumulation of a family of thoughts has been accumulated over time.

If intense enough we radiate an attitude that transmits these thoughts. When picked up by another critical mass of similar or congruent 'thinkers' a transmission boost occurs and a cultural knowledge jump occurs.

What we consider GOD, divinity, and providence is the articulated energy having interlocuted and incarnated itself, by the aggregation or intensity energy of people participating in the different tools of 'knowledge'.

Monday, February 1, 2010

In response to the Supreme court ruling and other (il)legalisms

It's past the point of obeisance with these dogs who prostitute the Constitution and our rights and libertieswith their civic legalisms of immorality and unethicalness. When WE, as INDIVIDUALS, can be trumped by an entity controlled by a few or a nefarious group, and it have the legal standing and protection of the Constitution that was created to protect our liberties, then the argument of just laws under the Constitutional guarantess becomes nothing more than hollow, dissembling for a constitution reduced to the moral value of shit-paper.
They think that they are protected by their rules. No-thing and no-one has any protection when the weak and the innocent are subjec to violations and abuse of their dignity and rights as human beings. That whichcan be taken away with verbal masturbations in the form of legalism, can be taken back by any means necessary. There is no duty, obligation, or loyalty due to the unethical, the amoral, or the immoral.
I see the times are already here when people will ignore the laws as not only disdained, disrespected, artificial barriers of self-control, but as statutes with no secular standing of enforcement. The "Authorities" will be jst functional figureheads providing the basic services that are needed while they waste their time (and our tax money) putting forth statutes which will be increasingly disregarded as laughable posturings which no self-respecting purpose would CARE to obey.
-- Lucifer's Heretic of Apostacies
Contributions of appreciation for spirit enhancement gratefully accepted at account, Cosmic Delites

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who do you think you ARE?
On 1/27/10, Luc-du-heresies,> wrote:

Your not just the mortal, one-and-done vessel whose an economic cog of ones cultural-socio-economic circumstance. You aren't the servant to some supernatural will. You are the portal for ageless consciousness. It is yours for the disemination when you look beyond the comforts and satiation of your skin to the signs, symbols, and their metaphors.

We are here by the merit of our potential to overcome. We are placed here as a challenge to prove ourselves for higher levels by undoing and rectifying the chaos that is the product of the anthrocentric narrative of dominionship. We are the few. We have perceived the call and have responded to the mundane for what it is-the challenge.

This is more than mechanical aptitude and competence of the cultural symbols' manipulation. They are only the stage and context of the greater challenge to our souls and whether we are subserviants or are we the transdimensionals on a visitation?
We are here to challenge the paradigms which enslave the minds to be cognitively aware of the possibilities of what could be their inheritance and entitlement of merit.

There is no-thing, tangible or intangible, beyond the honesty of truth to which we need to defer the gut instincts of our associative cognitive connectings of patterns of phenomena in our sensory field. The patterns are there to let us know that there are dimensions beyond the temporal and it's secular subgroup to which we must be aware of their paradigms and imperatives.

LucifersHeretic of Bugsiness

Gratuities of appreciation are warmly accepted at account, Cosmic Delites.
-- Lucifer's Heretic of Apostacies
Contributions of appreciation for spirit enhancement gratefully accepted at account, Cosmic Delites

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Sentimental illusions of Romance

We live inside the commercialized myths of romance. From songs to movies, we seek a state that is hard to find and harder to sustain. WHO could BE the moon for any lunatic desire of total completion and satiation? Only those masochists who love the suffering ache.
Human dignity and integrity metaphysically argue against such self-annihilation.
The intense passion and climactic exhilaration are physiological body rejuvenators, but they are also the manic before the ineveitable depression o9f meeetng the disenchanting reality of another's and YOUR limitations.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Those who can facilitate have the existential duty

Those who CAN, must. The "can" is having the power to facilitate above and beyond the cpacity of others. It is this existential ability for which you will be judged. NOT for the heroic, not for the stupid, BUT for the heartless indifference you showed when you were in the facilitating ease to act.

Great tragedies start and are the result of those things within our ability we wantonly neglected in our narrow self-absorption with ourselves.

Give to the Haitian Earthquake Relief.

Monday, January 11, 2010

No time for Old Sacred Cows

Not a scintilla of regard will be given to the sentiments, let alone the forms those sentiments enable. Those forms ahve been the root cause of gret suffering and injustice because of the ignorant beliefs in them. Whatever traditions and decorums that are just facades for posturing, or those that are the instrument for inequity or justice: they will not be given any sense of mercy or grace. They will be disdained, mocked, and tirivalized as they rightly need to be.

Let those who'd rather live "fat and happy" in the comfort, convenience, and privilege of those obsolete and ananchronistic forms ask for something else than sympathy or empathy, since they have no sincerity to give from their cause except as it expedites the continuing of their status.

Vandal of Chaos

All gratuities are cheerfully and appreciatively accepted at account, Cosmic Delites.