Friday, February 25, 2022

Posturing performance personas and Earnest au naturel personas

 For all the avatars and emojis we choose, the same occurs in our pedestrian street existence. We use our most mundane secular image or the wildest surreal image to represent the mood/soul of our persona. I have used

This one, taken in front of the White House fence barrier, was a 'Ta-duh!! Behold the man' introduction of the anonymous one from the western prairies coming to see "the magnificence" which dominates our existence. As the clothes show, there's no pretension.

This one here, one might consider a pretension of me being some learned pedagogue. In fact it is me showing the futility of higher knowledge using a surrogate symbol as the all-rectifying variable 'leap of logic' that gives the inscrutable process to resolving the problem. 


This next image of 'The Four Horseman is more abstract presentation representing my attitude of a prophet foretelling the future.It would be a more verbal performance for which the 'future' is the sole validating manifestation


This, as my subjective opinion of my operative performance, could be affirmed by objective consensus of others of my actions and expressions.

The symbol of 'Marie of the French Revolution' is similar to the icon image of 'the Show-off'. Again, thee performance is the judgement of my congruence with the ethos that this image projects




The imageShaka - Wikipediaof Skaka is another 'attitude projection' tha would need to be affirmed by congruent actions that would bring King Shaka to mind.

This one is my presentation of my projection of myself, starting with my humanity and then radiating out as the monastic monk-sublime character of shaman. 

All those abstract presentations are fine and temporally consistent with the conventional and extremes manifestations. As current events have demonstrated, what you think you are and aspire to in your own mind and its motivations is secondary to what you actually perform. 

Abstractions are good for rhetoric driven values. When the rhetoric of words are seen as just props, then consistent and congruent acts declare validity and credibility. All the homilies and platitudes do not give validity or credibility, no matter what concurrent rhetoric exists as validation.

As an aside, the posturing of the Western Alliance-NATO to Putin reminds me of the Western Roman Empire to the Huns and Goths from the eastern steppes, and later, 800 years later, how Europe fecklessly responded to the Mongols. The affected actions driven by obstractions, aka faux-theatrics performance for others, behaviors that the nuances of "sophistication" enable such behaviors that people of serious gravitas sneer at with disdain at such dilettante affectations. They are taken with little seriousness.

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