Sunday, July 17, 2022

Futile and False Creeds of Meaning and Emotional Security


Futile and False Creeds of 

Meaning and Emotional Security

From the tangibles of currency to the intangibles of relationships. The futility in seeking meaning and security in things of inherent limits shows the fallacy of such premises. Worse than the futility and vanity of the pursuit is the denigration and dismissal of the ethics and values of physical conditions and their intangibles which give cognitive guidance, since they don't flatter the ego and its satiating need for its comparative 'special uniqueness' with others.

As ALL persons' created value and dignity is spoken of as the equality of mottoes and platitudes, our choice of expression in the those values has been the whore of self-seeking that's undermined the structures for which we were created as a co-symbiotic and co-synergistic beings in this biospheric network. Our over-estimation of our "entitled" esteem based on that uniqueness has given license to the whoredom of our unwinding as a culture that is the foundation of our existence.

It is this informal and formal disseminations of these ethos and creeds that has led to the present conundrums of the present dystopian existence on the margins which  begs the question of the core operations. The vulnerabilities at the margins reveals the weaknesses of the extensions of the core's structural architecture.

Yet the promotions, apologetics, and deflection of the short-comings so that the ego of unique self-esteems can pursue its self-flattery. There's no shame. just deceptive to brazen avariciousness of intent. For this you will be cursed to wander in your misplaced vanities and pride. 


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