Wednesday, February 15, 2023

From our micro-copings to cultural absurdities

 'God' bless the comics and those with the gift of being cleverly articulate. They have taken the time and made handsome monetary careers from audiences who recognize and share their observations of the absurd. Unlike the modern existentialist authors, they don't bemoan the absurd state of affairs as they show how we psychologically compartmentalize those absurdities to mostly minimize their effects in our lives.

We regard the absurdities as part of the phenomenal topography of our existence. They are the embedded props that come with this stage of 'civilized existence'. Because it's a commonly shared aggravated fate with  others, we exist within the margins and spectrum of accommodation. Subconsciously, you know or now admit that we exist in a social psychological 'Stockholm Syndrome' within the existence of this time matrix.
I won't go into the emotional minutiae of these states than say how behavioral conditioning can be effective on a cultural , thus historical level. The historical effect would have its psychological (and possibly the collateral cognitive) consequences. That being the likely case any extension would be presumed to have embedded latent characteristics of the historical psychology (and resulting cognizance). From the short term efforts of such as Peter the Great of Russia, Stalin of the Communist Russia, Mao of the Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot of the Campuchia 'Killing Fields', have shown that it takes generations of behavioral modification as were done to the First Nations People of North America, the African Slaves brought to the Americas for chattel slavery, or the cultural after math of the Mongol invasions for their to be an cultural accommodation, if not adaptation to the change in cultural behavior.

As can be learned by the 'Stars and Bars is going to Rise Again' strategy and rhetoric, that were the lingual inspiration, motivation, and guide for action of a determined few with the complicity of the disorganized and apathetic many, a viable-IF NOT POPULAR OR COMFORTING-counter-narrative can exist


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