Thursday, February 2, 2023

Serially, 'Just passing through Dodge'


We are distinguished NOT by our mundane commonalities but by the micro-idiosyncratic extremes and the historical outrages. For those are the markers of the untethered and unrestrained being. The Victorians had insight with the Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde depictions. Even Jack-the-Ripper was suggested to be from the Royal Family. 


Posting of our similarities and likenesses for 'Likes' is denial and avoidance with a strong implication of disingenuousness. Only our slavish herd tendencies and trends give the former proposition of 'likeness' any extrapolative confirmation.

Ohhhhh.. What we conceal in the camouflaged darkness of our thoughts! See the statistics of suicide and battery, which undermine the homogenous 'good-will intent' that we bandy about in the loose rhetoric of apologetics responding to the indicting criticisms.

From this false proposition of sameness, used by those seeking to set up some emotional cadre of support for themselves, there comes the social choreography of expectations that devolve into similar disingenuous gestures of teasing titillation, as a fetish, than as a realistic interchange of contemporaneous intent between two serious, not gesturing adults: something worth getting mentally and emotionally worked up about which is worth the price of reaching my hand down there.


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